Friday, April 1, 2011
Limited Resources Video: MSS #2
Back with another retro draft, Marshall and Ryan go over one of Ryan’s recent MBS-SOM-SOM draft replays with a fine-toothed comb. How do the decisions align between Marshall, Ryan, and Past Ryan? There are differing viewpoints as usual, but Past Ryan finally ends up with something to hold over the two critics…
Limited Resources Video: MSS #1
The triple Mirrodin Besieged queues are gone, and it’s time to tackle the real deal: MBS-SOM-SOM! Pick and play along with Marshall and Ryan on their first run through the MSS 8-4 queue together. What would you do with an off-color bomb after pack one?
Limited Resources #76 – Flores in Seattle
Marshall and Ryan catch Magic luminary Mike Flores for an evening on their home turf, and Marsh remembers to bring a microphone! The Limited Resources boys set a highly-structured MSS Limited agenda for the show. What are Mike’s top uncommons in MBS? How do mana myrs affect his land count? Which cards have changed most in value from triple SOM? Which are criminally underrated? LR asks, and Flores answers.
No, just kidding: they talk about whatever the hell Mike wants to talk about, of course! Sometimes it even has something to do with Limited Magic: The Gathering, but whatever…check out one of the least-focused, most-fun Limited Resources episodes of all time, Michael J. Flores style!
Limited Resources is proudly sponsored by Card Kingdom! Check out for competitive prices and top-notch service.
Contact Godot on Magic Online if you’d like to join the Limited Resources clan!
Your Hosts: Ryan Spain and Marshall Sutcliffe
MTGO (Ryan): Godot
MTGO (Marshall): MalachiConstant
Twitter (Ryan): @modogodot
Twitter (Marshall): @MarshallLRcast
Show’s Email:
Limited Resources #75 – Sliding Scales
Inevitably over the course of a Limited format, one’s assessment of cards and archetypes shift from where they began. After updates on the new Card Kingdom store, the Limited Resources clan, Rocket, and Ryan’s Constructed rating, Marshall and Ryan throw out some Mirrodin Besieged cards worthy of discussion and reevaluation.
Limited Resources is proudly sponsored by Card Kingdom! Check out for competitive prices and top-notch service.
Show References:
Ryan’s Draft Spreadsheet:
Current LR Draft Video:
Jake “Agur” Antonetz’s Draft Video:
Contact Godot on Magic Online if you’d like to join the Limited Resources clan!
Your Hosts: Ryan Spain and Marshall Sutcliffe
MTGO (Ryan): Godot
MTGO (Marshall): MalachiConstant
Show’s Email:
Friday, March 18, 2011
Limited Resources #74 – Strictly Speaking
This week’s show is a topical grab bag, with an Extended PTQ tournament report, a crack-a-pack, some cube talk, and discussions of Magic ratings, Ryan’s recent heater, and R&D weighing in on the “Strictly Better” debate via Twitter.
Limited Resources is proudly sponsored by Card Kingdom! Check out for competitive prices and top-notch service. Enter in the coupon code “halfshipping” at checkout to get half off on…you’ll never guess…your shipping for that order! Good through 3/20/2011.
Show References:
Ryan’s TNMO Draft:
ToreroTutor’s blog entry on the “Strictly Better” discussion:
Usman’s Cube Podcast, The Third Power:
Ryan’s Draft Spreadsheet:
Contact Godot on Magic Online if you’d like to join the Limited Resources clan!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Limited Resources Video: Triple Mirrodin Besieged
Join Marshall and Ryan for a run at the short-lived triple Mirrodin Besieged queue. Despite being 4-3-2-2 only, the triple small set queues are a great way to build up your collection of the new set while seeing tons of new cards in action. Also, players that crack the format before it’s gone can reap huge rewards.
Limited Resources #72 – Head Games
Why does losing a spell to discard feel worse than losing a creature to removal? Why does losing because of an empty library feel worse than losing to creature damage? This week on Limited Resources, Marshall and Ryan discuss how to keep your head on straight and play your A game when faced with some of the logic-defying aspects of Magic psychology.
Limited Resources is proudly sponsored by Card Kingdom! Check out for competitive prices and top-notch service.
Contact Godot on Magic Online if you’d like to join the Limited Resources clan!
Your Hosts: Ryan Spain and Marshall Sutcliffe
MTGO (Ryan): Godot
MTGO (Marshall): MalachiConstant
Show’s Email:
Limited Resources #71 – Mirrodin Besieged Triple Play
Marshall and Ryan review their early attempts to crack the triple Besieged queue. Are there a couple of standout archetypes or is this a more nuanced format than we’ve seen in some previous triple-small-set environments?
Limited Resources is proudly sponsored by Card Kingdom! Check out for competitive prices and top-notch service.
Contact Godot on Magic Online if you’d like to join the Limited Resources clan!
Your Hosts: Ryan Spain and Marshall Sutcliffe
MTGO (Ryan): Godot
MTGO (Marshall): MalachiConstant
Show’s Email:
Friday, February 18, 2011
Limited Resources #70 – Back-to-Back-to-Back Crack-a-Pack, Jack!
Join us for a crackalishious episode with two live crack-a-packs and one virtual crack-a-pack taken straight from Patrick Chapin’s second draft at Pro Tour Paris. Also, Ryan describes the casual “bubble league” he started with his son and their friends, and we discuss the ramifications of a verified print run for Mirrodin Besieged commons.
Limited Resources is proudly sponsored by Card Kingdom! Check out for competitive prices and top-notch service, and give them a shout-out on Yelp if you are pleased with your transaction:
Contact Godot on Magic Online if you’d like to join the Limited Resources clan!
From the Show:
Mirrodin Besieged Common Print Run:
Draft Viewer for Draft 2 Pod 1 of Pro Tour Paris:
Draft Tech with BDM and Patrick Chapin:
Your Hosts: Ryan Spain and Marshall Sutcliffe
MTGO (Ryan): Godot
MTGO (Marshall): MalachiConstant
Show’s Email:
Limited Resources #69 – He Is Sam
This week on Limited Resources, Marshall and Ryan welcome guest host Sam Stoddard to the fray. Sam gives a tournament report from the SCG Indy Open, we do our first Mirrodin Besieged Crack-a-Pack, and then discuss the impact of Mirrodin Besieged on Scars-block Limited.
Limited Resources is proudly sponsored by Card Kingdom! Check for competitive prices and top-notch service, and give them a shout-out on Yelp if you are pleased with your transaction:
Contact Godot on Magic Online if you’d like to join the Limited Resources clan!
Check out Ryan and Marshall interviewed on Men of Magic, too!
Your Host(s): Ryan and Marshall
MTGO (Ryan): Godot
MTGO (Marshall): malachiconstant
Show’s Email:
Friday, February 4, 2011
Limited Resources #68 – Besieged by Rares
This week on Limited Resources, Marshall and Ryan give their Mirrodin Besieged prerelease tournament reports, discuss some of the more controversial cards from last week’s common/uncommon set review, and break down the rares of Mirrodin Besieged for Limited play.
Limited Resources is proudly sponsored by Card Kingdom! Check out for competitive prices and top-notch service. Mirrodin Besieged singles now in stock!
Contact Godot on Magic Online if you’d like to join the Limited Resources clan!
Your Host(s): Ryan and Marshall
MTGO (Ryan): Godot
MTGO (Marshall): malachiconstant
Show’s Email:
Friday, January 28, 2011
Limited Resources #67 – Mirrodin Besieged Set Review
It's set-review time on LR and you know what that means: a more in-depth, card-by-card analysis of the Mirrodin Besieged Limited environment than you will find anywhere else. We also give you our answers to the question everyone is asking: Phyrexian or Mirran at the prerelease?
Limited Resources is proudly sponsored by Card Kingdom! Check out for competitive prices and top-notch service. Preorder your Mirrodin Besieged singles today!
Contact Godot on Magic Online if you’d like to join the Limited Resources clan!
Your Host(s): Ryan and Marshall
MTGO (Ryan): Godot
MTGO (Marshall): malachiconstant
Show’s Email: limitedresourcespodcast@gmail.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Limited Resources #66 – Mirrodin Besieged: The Warmup
This week on Limited Resources, Marshall and Ryan discuss some EDH brews, Marshall’s Extended PTQ run, playing against girls, how to approach small-set evaluation, and the top 10 commons first-picked by SOM 8-4 Draft winners, and finally we review some compelling rares from Mirrodin Besieged!
Limited Resources is proudly sponsored by Card Kingdom! Check out for competitive prices and top-notch service. Preorder your Mirrodin Besieged singles today!
Contact Godot on Magic Online if you’d like to join the Limited Resources clan!
Your Host(s): Ryan and Marshall
MTGO (Ryan): Godot
MTGO (Marshall): malachiconstant
Show’s Email:
Friday, January 14, 2011
Limited Resources Video: SOM #6
Join the Limited Resources team for another “retro draft,” as Marshall walks through one of Ryan’s recent drafts and match replays sight unseen. Will their picks and gameplay decisions line up more than they did in the last retro draft?
Limited Resources #65 – BREAD Crumbs
Limited Resources #65 – BREAD Crumbs
This week on Limited Resources, Marshall and Ryan break down the tail end of the infamous draft acronym. What do you do when there are no bombs, quality removal spells, or evasive, efficient creatures left in the pack? (For starters, you toss out silly acronyms and take a hard look at what your deck actually needs.)Limited Resources is now proudly sponsored by Card Kingdom! Check out for competitive prices and top-notch service.
Contact Godot on Magic Online if you’d like to join the Limited Resources clan!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Limited Resources #64 – Fresh BREAD
Back from their holiday break, Marshall and Ryan take a fresh look at B.R.E.A.D., the classic baseline approach to Magic drafting. How is it useful, how is it dangerous, and how do you move beyond it?
Limited Resources is now proudly sponsored by Card Kingdom! Check out for competitive prices and top-notch service. Spend $100 or more and enter the coupon code LRPODCAST for a free Card Kingdom T-shirt! Expires 1/14/2011.
Latest Draft Video:
Contact Godot on Magic Online if you’d like to join the Limited Resources clan!
Email: limitedresourcespodcast@gmail.comLimited Resources Video: SOM #5
Join Ryan and Marshall for another Scars of Mirrodin 8-4 draft and witness the drama as they try to turn a mediocre draft into a winner!
Limited Resources #63 – The Break Before a Break
On this week’s eventful episode of Limited Resources, Ryan and Marshall talk about a host of different topics ranging from our latest PTQ report, random stories from said PTQ, new Standard decks we have been playing, and then are forced to end the show prematurely due to technical issues
Happy Holidays from your Limited Resources as well
Limited Resources Video: SOM #4
Back in the “live draft” format, Ryan and Marshall tackle another Scars of Mirrodin 8-4, during which Marshall tries out his Grand Architect Standard deck. Wait, what? Just watch…
Limited Resources #62 - Managing Your Magic Bankroll
This week on Limited Resources episode #62, Ryan and Marshall take a close look at how to maximize on your Magic budget using some techniques pulled from poker. Thanks for listening! (Behind on Waiting for WFG! Sorry, catching up now)